Our sole focus is to create and collaborate with like-minded, driven businesses and individuals, to create custom designs that make a statement and inspire audiences with elegance and simplicity.


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Break Free Spending Planner – Logo

Break Free Spending Planner provides financial management, using a step-by-step process with clients to create a customised Spending tracker to allow you to reach your financial goals sooner. 
The Break Free Spending Planner logo uses a combination of strong type and colour to visually describe the quality of the service provided.
The orange and purple colours were carefully selected to represent the brand and its services. The colour orange was used to represent a combination of the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. This colour is associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy. The purple colour has been chosen to represent a combination of the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty, symbolises power, nobility, luxury and ambition.

